Bigbang Artwork

2023 CCTV Film and Television Media Center National Children's Art Talent Selection San Francisco Registration

1.Online Registration
Fill in the online application form and upload your pictures and videos, There is a $20 non refundable certificate fee. Every application can only have one talent category. If you are multi talents, please fill in the application and pay the certificate fee separately.
Registration Deadline: March 31, 2023.
2.Onsite Recording
After we review your application and videos, we will send you the audition result by email. If you pass the audition, you will be eligible to attend the San Francisco Final. We will record your show and send it to CCTV for the final review. There is a non refundable recording and production fee of $280 prior to the recording. The contestants will also be graded by judges onsite, and get awards of San Francisco Final.
3.CCTV Recording
After CCTV reviewed your show, we will send you the final result by email. If you are selected, you will be eligible to attend the CCTV recording in Beijing. The cost will be announced separately.
4.Summer Camp
All contestants will be eligible to attend the Summer Camp in China related to this event. The cost will be announced separately.
Video Reference
Professional Images
semi-final certificate
1. Talent Content
Anything with healthy and positive content is eligible to participate, such as promoting Chinese spirit and culture; praises the happiness and development of life; reflecting campus life, gratitude, and inspiration; reflecting the revitalization of the Chinese nation; reflecting the harmony among people, society, and nature. Original work will be given extra credits.
2. Time Limit
The length of a solo performance should be no longer than 3 minutes, and the team performance or group performance should be no longer than 5 minutes. The Judges could stop the performance once it’s longer than the limit. (2-5 people’s performance is a team performance, more than 5 people’s performance is a group performance.)
3. Talent Category
The talent category includes Vocal, Dance, Instrument, Oral Performance, Chinese Opera, Modeling, Calligraphy & Painting, Photography & Videography, etc.
  • Vocal: Including national, bel canto, popular. Singing methods are divided into solo, duet, duet, chorus, etc.
  • Dance: Including classical dance, folk dance, modern dance, national standard dance and other dance types.
  • Instrument: Including bowed strings, woodwind, percussion, keyboard, etc.
  • Oral Performance: Including monologue, hosting, storytelling, sketches, tongue twisters, ancient poems, etc.
  • Chinese Opera: Peking Opera, local opera, cross talk, Shandong Kuaishu, Shulaibao, Jingyun Drum, Plum Blossom Drum, Single String, Iron Piece Drum, Henan Zhuizi, Beijing Qinshu, Cantonese Opera, Teochew Opera, etc.
  • Modeling: personal display, group display, design works, etc.
  •  Calligraphy & Painting: soft pen calligraphy, hard pen calligraphy, various paintings, sculptures, paper-cuts, etc.
  • Photography & Videography: photography and videography works must be completed independently.
Each contestant could sign up for multiple talent categories. You will be notified once you have at least one talent selected. Each performance will be graded in different age groups. We encourage artistic innovation and advocate new works with strong national and local characteristics.
4. Video Requirement
The uploaded talent video should be shot horizontally. The background must be clean, and the video must be high-resolution and clear-sound. The contestant should dress appropriately, the clothes should be without any anti-social, violent content or English words. No self-introduction needed in the video. If the talent is Calligraphy & Painting, or Photography & Videography, the video could only show the artwork in the whole picture frame.
If you would like to participate the talent selection, please fill in the application below.
Every application can only have one talent category. If you are multi talents, please fill in the application and pay the certificate fee separately.


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